Chicago Energy Benchmarking Exemption Form – Building Occupancy Use

Background/Guidance: Commercial, institutional, and residential buildings larger than 50,000 square feet are required to benchmark annually by June 1st. Permanent exemptions are granted for certain occupancy uses, such as industrial, manufacturing, storage/warehouses, hazmat sites, and other miscellaneous uses.

Instructions: Please use this form if you believe that your building is not covered by the ordinance due to its occupancy use type.  For all requests, you will need to provide the approximate percentage of total floor area dedicated to each occupancy use.

This form should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Within 10 business days, you will receive an email confirmation and/or any follow-up questions about your request.

* required fields
Section 1: Contact Information

Section 2: Building Information

Six-digit ID number listed on building’s Notification of Obligation to Comply letter; if ID is unknown, request it using this form.

Section 3: Building Occupancy Use
Note that exemptions are only allowed under the ordinance for any building in which 10% or more of the floor area is used for industrial, manufacturing, storage/warehouse, hazardous materials storage, or miscellaneous uses as defined in the Municipal Code of Chicago.

Section 4: Notes

Section 5: Signature of Authorized Building Representative
Any person who knowingly makes a false statement of material fact in connection with this application shall be sanctioned under, among other applicable law, the City of Chicago's False Statements Ordinance (Chapter 1-21 of the Municipal Code of Chicago).

I, the undersigned authorized representative of the building, affirm and attest to the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the statements of material fact provided in this form.

o   Please indicate your agreement by typing in your full name above

Questions? We Can Help!
Call the Chicago Energy Benchmarking Help Center at (855) 858-6878 (M-F, 9am-5pm) or email